Learn More about the FPCS Teaching Staff
Amy Sherman
Ms. Sherman comes to us with degrees in both Applied Science and in Elementary Education. After spending eleven successful years in leadership at Shriners Children's Hospital, she decided to go back to school at Whitworth University to earn her teacher certification. Ms. Sherman has strong background experience with third and fourth grade, and she loves sparking that keen analytical thought and curiosity that comes with older elementary students.
Savanna Spradley
Ms. Spradley is a certified elementary teacher who stepped in mid-year in 2023-34 to create a second kindergarten classroom when our first was overflowing! Her new class thrived immediately in this smaller classroom with her personal attention and careful understanding of where each child was at individually. She is a Whitworth alumna with educational endorsements in reading and math, as well as a minor in theology. Our elementary students adore her kindness, enthusiasm, and energy.
Mrs. Sowers is a highly experienced elementary teacher who spent most of her career in Memphis prior to teaching at First Presbyterian Christian School. She has a particular love for kindergarten families, where her compassion and deep knowledge base shine in helping every child grow emotionally, spiritually, and academically — so much so that her former students are constantly stopping in to say hi! This ability to connect with students and adults alike make her a valued mentor for our new teachers year after year.
Jennifer Sowers
Kelsey Overstreet
Mrs. Overstreet comes to us as an experienced and certified elementary teacher. Prior to arriving in Spokane, she taught in Georgia and in Massachusetts. She's taught first grade for several years, and she loves this magic transitional age between younger kids and bigger kids. We are blown away by her ability to engage students with creativity and clear expectations, which cultivates a classroom environment where everyone can thrive. When she isn’t teaching, Mrs. Overstreet is an enthusiastic member of the Fairchild Air Force Base community, where her husband is on active duty.
Sam Somes
In addition to being a long-standing active member of First Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Somes served our school as a teacher assistant for over 15 years prior to changing roles to become a preschool teacher. No one knows the families and students of First Presbyterian Christian School as well as she does, and students of all ages visit her every morning for hugs and excited updates on the big adventures in little lives! Having Mrs. Somes step into our 5-day 4s role is an incredible gift -- a teacher who brings creativity, experience, and beautiful classroom management to create a learning community where everyone is loved and growing every day.
Lori Sawyer
Mrs. Sawyer taught elementary in Seattle for many years before her family returned to their roots in Spokane. She's taught nearly all the ages at some point, but preschool is her very favorite of all! Mrs. Sawyer's classroom is a wonderful blend of structure, integrated music and art, academic preparation, and fun sensory exploration. She also loves to get her students outside and trying new things, making her the perfect fit for all types of busy preschoolers.
Alyssa Zarate
Mrs. Zarate is a friendly and outgoing teacher, offering gentle redirection for busy hands and engaging them in multisensory ways. Mrs. Zarate's passion for the preschool family experience extends beyond the classroom, and she serves in a leadership role for MomCo (formerly known as MOPS). She also has a strong background in Montessori preschool methodology, and we are excited to learn from her experience how to help our 3s grow confidence in their independence skills!
Sonja Jensen
Ms. Jensen is an experienced 3-year-old preschool teacher, as well as a former speech therapist and a dance teacher. This unique professional grounding equips her to offer a well-integrated classroom that includes movement, music, and language enrichment! Her connection with young students is phenomenal, and our staff eagerly benefits from her professional training in supporting the whole child's development.
Ryan Childers
Mr. Ryan makes music one of our students’ favorite classes! He holds an MFA in Acting from the University of Idaho. He spent over 20 years performing as a professional actor in Seattle where he performed in multiple roles as an actor, singer, and dancer. During that time, he taught a myriad of classes with widely diverse students of all ages. He loves working at First Presbyterian Christian School. Introducing children to music and seeing their excitement at achieving something is one of the most rewarding jobs ever. Skills in the arts are skills for everyday life!
Coach Hayley
Coach Hayley makes every P.E. class an energetic hour for our elementary students! Our small class sizes give her a chance to ground our students both in general understanding of a variety of sports and in finding joy and competence in how they move their bodies. There is room for everybody to thrive when it comes to P.E.!
When Coach Hayley isn’t teaching P.E., she is a much sought-after horse riding instructor.
Kelly Koberstine
Mrs. Koberstine always knew that she wanted to be an artist! She took that passion with her to Walla Walla University’s Fine Arts program, where she laid the groundwork for her own art techniques as well as teaching art in an accessible, engaging way for new artists. She brings 17 years of experience in teaching art to both young and old to FPCS. Her favorite thing after all this time is still when every student finds that “aha!” moment — a brilliant melding of thought and creativity when they understand how to express their art more clearly.
Ryan Schmall
Mr. Ryan (affectionately nicknamed “Ry Ry the Bible Guy”) is a proud Californian who brings his enthusiasm for theology, music, and film to connect with K-12 students of all ages. These interests, combined with a Master’s in Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, grant him a beautiful gifting in making the life of the Christian and of the church alive, real, relevant, and theologically grounded for our students. Our elementary students eagerly look forward to Christian Ed every week!
When Mr. Ryan isn’t teaching for FPCS, he’s also the Family Ministries Director for First Presbyterian Church.