ELEMENTARY (Grades 1-4)
No child is just another face in the crowd! At First Presbyterian Christian School, every student is not only known by name by our school staff, but also recognized and remembered for what makes them individuals. Students thrive as learners when they are nurtured as whole people, beloved of God and a vital part of our school community.
We offer elementary classes for grades 1-5. These classes comprise 10-15 students (often fewer!) taught by certified teachers with professional expertise and a deep love for Jesus. Our elementary program provides a structured environment that encourages strong academic growth balanced with specialist classes in art, physical education, music, and Christian Education. We intentionally build opportunities for increasing leadership roles and independence, laying the foundation for confidence and self-assurance in middle school. We also have a STEM Lab that provides dedicated space for both open-ended and teacher-led STEM exploration during and after school.